Our Purpose Statement
At Marico River Honey Bee Co, we envision a world where people are more connected to nature and the environment, and where the use of natural, sustainable products is the norm. Our vision is to be a leading provider of high – quality honey bee related products, known for our commitment to sustainable beekeeping practices that prioritizes the health of our bees and the environment. We are dedicated to educating our customers about the importance of bees and their role in our worldwide ecosystems.
We aim to produce natural, sustainable products that will promote health, wellness and sustainable living. Our products are handcrafted with care and attention to detail, ensuring that each product is of the highest quality and value for money.
Through our values and products, we hope to inspire our customers and communities to join in our efforts to protect and preserve our planet for future generations and share our passion for honey bees and sustainable living.
What do we do?
Marico River Honey Bee Co produces and sell handcrafted honey bee – related products. All our products are produced with natural ingredients that are sourced directly from our beehives, producing products that are natural, chemical - and preservative free. Added ingredients are all natural and we ensure that we source these ingredients from suppliers that use sustainable methods to obtain these ingredients.
All our managed honey bee colonies are located in natural foraging areas and thus assist in the protection and biodiversity of our natural areas. To our customers it means that they can rest assured that they purchase a product that makes a difference and that fosters a harmony between agriculture and the environment. We want our customers to be part of our journey to protect and grow our beautiful natural environment – One hive at a time.
Honey Bee Colony Management
From the start have we based and built our honey bee operation on sustainable and natural beekeeping practices. In line with our ethos and commitment to sustainable beekeeping we apply practices that are completely natural and environmentally friendly.
We apply complete Honey Badger friendly beekeeping techniques.
We do not set traps or poison to eliminate honey badger activity around our apiaries.
All our hives are elevated – we place our hives on steel hive stands and our hives are strapped securely.
We apply environmentally friendly pest control.
No non - ecofriendly pesticides are used in any of our apiaries. We only use Food Grade DIATOMACEOUS EARTH to control ant attacks and Small Hive Beetle (SHB) larvae around on our hives.
Internal SHB traps, used inside our hives, are completely honey bee friendly and we only use natural ingredients, like vegetable oil, apple cider vinegar and slaked lime, to control SHB inside our hives.
Wax moth activity, which can be detrimental to managed bee colonies, are controlled through completely natural trap methods, using mixtures of fermented bananas and apple cider vinegar, set outside our apiaries to reduce wax moth infestations that can cause our colonies to decline or die.
All our hives are fitted with Beetle guard entrance reducers to prevent Large Hive Beetles and rodents from entering our bee hives.
We only use natural material, like dried elephant dung, as smoker fuel.
Certifications and Industry Standards
Marico River Honey Bee Co is registered and certified as a legal South African beekeeping company with:
ï‚· The South African Bee Industry Organization (SABIO)
ï‚· The South African Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development. Registration number: NW 347
Marico River Honey Bee Co adheres to the following production and packaging standards:
ï‚· Agricultural Product Standard Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990), Rule 835 – Regulation relating to the Grading, Packaging and Marking of honey and mixtures of Bee products intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa.
ï‚· Foodstuffs, cosmetics and disinfectant act, 1972 (Act no. 54 of 1972) NO. 638
As a company we are committed to ensure that our customers and consumers are protected and have the peace of mind that they are receiving high end products that comply with all industry standards and regulations.
Under no circumstances will we deviate from ensuring that we are always compliant in all aspects of how we do business.